My Running Journey (unconventional, to say the least)…

I haven’t always been a runner. I didn’t run cross country, I didn’t run in college or even in my early 20’s. In fact, I used to HATE running. Like- loathed it. My high school friends actually find it pretty darn funny that I run marathons now.

My love for running evolved after our first child was born. After quitting my teaching job, when we had our first child, I was in uncharted territory with a new and fussy baby. I was a first time mom and that can (let’s be honest) be a little lonely. My days were filled with sleepless nights, breast feeding (what felt like all day long) and feeling pretty down about how much baby weight I had gained (40 lbs-UGH!). When Emma Kate was old enough to stay in our local Y nursery for 2 hours at a time, I was at the front door waiting for them to open (ha!).

A group of women from the Y met 2 days a week for a 5 mile group run. They were nice enough to include me in their little circle. I was always so nervous to run with them and to run that distance. And let me tell you, it was HARD. Like really hard. I was always pulling up the rear, but I didn’t care- it was a break from a crying baby, I had support from these awesome ladies and I was (hopefully) getting that dreaded baby weight off my unrecognizable body.

(Baby Emma Kate!)

As time went on, we added on a “longer” run every week. I was consistent in my running. I committed to running The Myrtle Beach Half Marathon. The weather was cooling off, I was keeping up with my friends on runs and even placing in my age group in some local races. I was meeting a lot of people in the running community and felt like I was a part of something other than just motherhood. This is when running became more than losing baby weight or getting a break from a fussy baby. I fell in love with the sport, the community and the challenge.

The Sunrise 10k crew!

Fast forward 15ish years later, I haven’t lost my love for running (although some days are questionable- Ha!). I never thought I’d develop the habit of running, much less running a freaking marathon (or 12). I’ve learned a lot, had several injuries along the way, felt the super highs and the super lows of race performances, made some very best friends in the process and have had some of the most life changing experiences because of running. I am thankful for that day at the YMCA when I was asked to go on that run. It changed me.

2023 Boston Marathon finish line🤘🏼

If you are that person that thinks you can’t run, you’re too old, out of shape- STOP right there. I am here to tell you that you can do anything you put your mind to. It won’t be easy, it’ll take time, but it will ALWAYS be worth it! If I can do it, lord have mercy, so can you. Here’s your inspiration to put your plans into action. Reach out if you need coaching to start your running journey or to help you achieve some goals. It’s my love and passion to do what I do:)

I believe in you, know you have what it takes and I’m rooting for you!

Until next time,



When in Doubt, just SHOW UP!


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