When in Doubt, just SHOW UP!

Working towards a goal can be messy, frustrating and can make you want to throw the towel in. Weight loss that never seems to happen no matter how hard you are trying, that BQ goal that you keep missing by a few minutes, that home project you keep putting on the back burner because it seems too overwhelming. Whatever it may be, it can be down right disappointing and feel so out of reach.

Reaching goals are hard. But the hard is what makes reaching them so great. If they were easy, everyone would do it! The journey to getting what you want certainly has ups and downs, but that’s all part of the process. Bad training runs, when your weight plateaus, home/kid life throws you off course, self doubt creeps in, you get sick- all the things, ya’ll. They will happen and will derail you.

No matter what though, do one thing. Show up! Pivot, adjust and be there for that next training run, for that college class, for your next workout, for your next work meeting. Our actions often have more of an impact on our mood than our mood has on our actions. Think about that! It really is so powerful and all we have to do is make the choice to show up.

Last week, I had a speed workout on deck that I was dreading. I sat in my car for 30 mins. 30 whole minutes, ya’ll. The internal dialogue was toggling between telling myself to just get out and do the damn thing and to wait just a few more minutes and abide my time with social media. After finally getting my butt out there, I realized it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I had spent 30 minutes of my day putting it off, mindlessly scrolling and doubting myself. It wasn’t easy getting myself out of my comfort zone to get that run in, but I did it. The hard was talking myself into getting it done, but I showed up and made it happen. Believe it or not, I feel this way a lot before hard effort runs!

But that’s what it’s all about. We are not always going to be motivated. The motivation can be very fleeting. But making the choice to SHOW UP is where growth happens. Even when we fail at something when we do show up, the fact that we made the effort to do so, is what matters. More times than not, we have to fall down before we rise up. It’s all part of the process. Write it on the calendar, put your big adult pants on and freaking get out there ya’ll- no matter the outcome. Level up. You’ll be so glad you did.

Sending all the motivational vibes your way on this rainy Wednesday! Get out of your warm and cozy car and make today happen. YOU are in charge of your path and where you are headed. So, make the choice to show up and make yourself proud.

Until next time,



My Running Journey (unconventional, to say the least)…